
The Aeronautical Society of India is a professional body, devoted to advancement of Aeronautical sciences and engineering in India. Chandigarh Branch, established in 1992, has been playing a significant role in bringing together the research institutions, Industry, academina, DPSUs and the aeronautical organisations on a common platform in Chandigarh tricity region.

Executive Committee (2023-24)

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Chairman, AOC, 3 BRD, Indian Air Force, Chandigarh
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Hon. Secretary,
Regional Director, RCMA, Chandigarh

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Hon. Treasurer,
Wg Cdr, 3 BRD, IAF, Chandigarh

Professional Bodies & Institutes associated with AeSI Chandigarh

TBRL Chandigarh

Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh


3 Base Repair Depot, Indian Air Force

RCMA, Chandigarh

Regional Centre of Military Airworthiness, DRDO

DGRE, Chandigarh

Defence Geoinformatics Research Establishment, Chandigarh


Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh

SCL, Mohali

Semi-Conductor Laboratory, Dept of Space

BEL, Panchkula

Bharat Electronics Limited, Panchkula

CII, Chandigarh

Confederation of Indian Industries, Chandigarh

Punjab Engineering College

Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh

No. 1 Air NCC

Chandigarh University

Desh Bhagat University