The Aeronautical Society of India, founded in the year 1948, is a professional body devoted to advancement of Aeronautical sciences and engineering in India.
OBJECTIVE To promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge of Aeronautical and Aerospace Sciences / Technologies. To strive for the elevation of Aeronautical and Aerospace profession.
The Society has 16 branches at all the important centers of aviation in the counter viz. Agra, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Chennai, Goa, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kochi, Mumbai, Nasik, Nagpur, Pune, New Delhi, Sunabeda & Thiruvananthapuram. Society also has Journal Division and CFD Division at Bangalore.

Its membership of more than 14,000 is drawn from all major Aeronautical establishments such as Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. D.G.C.A., Defence Research and Development Establishments, Academic Institutions, Aeronautical Development Agency, Indian Air Force, Indian Space Research Organization, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, National Airports Authority of India, Air India, Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, Pawan Hans, Aero Industry in Private Sector. Private Airlines, Defence Res. & Dev. Laboratory, Army Aviation Corps. The Society also drives its strength from financial support and active participation of its Corporate Members. The society has 53 Corporate Members from both National and International Sectors.
The Society is managed by a Council consisting of a President, President Elect, Seven Vice Presidents, the Honorary Secretary General, Honorary Treasurer and fifteen members, twelve of whom are elected and the other three nominated to represent special interests. The Council is elected every year at the Annual General Meeting. The Council manages affairs of the Society with specialist support from its nine committees namely; Academics Committee, Awards Committee, Building Committee, Editorial and Journal Committee, Grading Committee, Rules Committee and Standing Committee. These specialist committees give direction and plans activities of the Society.
Activities of the Society
To meet its aim of promotion of aeronautical and aerospace engineering and sciences in the country, AeSI is involved in following activities:
- Fraternization amongst professionals
- Enrolls individuals, Institutions & Industries as members.
- Conducts examinations in aeronautical engineering equivalent to a degree from an Indian University.
- Publishes a Quarterly International Journal & monthly E-news.
- Encourages Indian authors to write books on aeronautical/aerospace subjects.
- Encourages young professionals to participate in International Conferences.
- Confers Awards of Excellence.
- Conducts Annual Essay Competitions for Students / Scientists / Engineers.
- Provides a platform for Industry – R&D – Academic interaction.
- Participates with the Government in the formulation of policies, procedures and guidelines.